Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mystery Sagashi 1.3.15

Click and Drag: m-vesves12, mooncosmicpower13, a-seiya14, mercurycrystalpower12, a-kaolinite11, eternaldoteye02, artbook3-chibiset08, mercury, zoisite, kunzite, mars, one choice normal, one choice normal, one choice special, one choice sprite
Click and Drag: a-ail04, a-bathingsuits14, reconquistasenshipuzzle18, princessroomkimono07, helios, makoto, one choice sprite
Click and Drag: p-minako12, a-poses1-09, m-vesves18, starsteleport08, spluto, stars_papillion
Click and Drag: a-moonlightknight17, stargentleuterus15, moontiaraaction08, ssaturn, nabu
Click and Drag: smssed05, a-viluy04, luna_sit, one choice normal, one choice special
Click and Drag: a-makoto15, a-calaveras04, ss_hawk, one choice normal
Click and Drag: a-cyprineptilol20, mb-usagi08, s_eudial
Click and Drag: a-minako09, jupiterstarpower08, s_kaolinite, one choice normal
Click and Drag: a-mimete18, smsop2-10, s_tellu, one choice normal
Click and Drag: a-cchibi19, ainosenshi03, mars
Really Hard Puzzle: burningmandala19, p-healingescalation17, a-moon04, starseyecatch10, smoon, r_rubeus, one choice normal, one choice special, one choice sprite
Pick One: p-luna01, innocentdemand07, p-dmercury04, a-chibiusa01, artbook1-chibiinners10, a-starsheads07, anshar
Hard Puzzle: m-taiki06, smworldgrouppuzzle12, celebrate08, one choice normal
Puzzle Sequence A: mb-smoon18, twinkleyell12, eternaluranus
Puzzle Sequence A: a-cooan09, a-vesves16, endymion
Puzzle Sequence A: mb-mamoru09, a-tinnyanko09, eternaljupiter
Puzzle Sequence A: crystaled1-02, m-pegasus12, r_berthier
Puzzle Sequence A: smssop2-10, moonhealingescalation18, a-leadcrow01, a-sjupiter12, smrschoolcalendar08, healer, ami, marduk, one choice normal, one choice sprite
Hangman: ldcovers4-02, m-ladyluna06
War: mb-jupiter15, s-venus01
Number Guess: m-pluto01, materials-anime2-16
Slots: a-chibiusa14, p-supremethunder12, smrschoolcalendar02, nqserenity, haruka, one choice special
Freebies: a-umino06, mb-mars15, starlightsentrance06, one choice normal
Jigsaw Puzzle: aquariusage01, p-marspower05, zoisite
Peeptin: starsposter20, deepsubmerge11, m-michiru19, season1dvd07, one choice sprite
Memory: tuxedomission02, butterflypuzzle13, ceres
Easy Puzzle: crystaltokyo15, a-hawkseye04
Tic Tac Toe: p-mercury05, ss_para
Wheel of Fortune: starlightsentrance05, one choice normal
Made m-kakeru Made [setname]: m-chibiusa17, p-nephrite15, princeendymion, one choice normal
Made m-kaguya Made [setname]: myu-starsksws04, starlighthoneymoon12, s_kaolinite, one choice normal
Blackjack: season3items19, splashpageart10, usagi_stars
Game Submission: one choice sprite
Made ssmovieop Screencapped and made [setname]: p-opening14, venusloveandbeautyshock16, moonkingdom14, mb-hotaru19, a-healer10, neptune, minako, one choice normal
Monthly Staff Pay: myu-naoyuugrad20, marsflamesniper08, a-pluto01, a-cchibi12, m-witches08, m-kakeru07, xenian09, r_cooan, stars_lead, helios, one choice normal, one choice normal
Weekly Staff Pay: m-galaxia04, choruspuzzle15, m-pallapalla14, p-mars19, s-tux10, a-fighter07, waltznikoionosete02, venuslovemechain01, ss_vesu, s_eudial, one choice normal, one choice normal
Freebie Bar: m-formal14, crisismakeup15
New cards: m-kakeru01/02, m-kaguya01/02
Freebies: m-smoon10, nameofthemoon10, m-usagi10, a-emoon10, m-scmoon10, kaguyadata05; nameofthemoon05/06, p-moon02/03, a-blacklady02, m-smoon07, a-emoon02, twinkleyell04, a-blacklady03, a-emoon03, classiceyecatch07, crystalpromos01, p-luna02, m-smoon09, classiceyecatch10, twinkleyell05
Deck Voting: breakillustrations3-11, p-jadeite03, a-phages08, mb-smercury03, puranus, uranus

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